I’ve always been drawn to dried sage. If you’re completely new to the natural, hippie-ish, wellness world…you’ve at least seen sage. It’s in every natural wellness shop. Yoga studios, meditation studios. I have been buying it for years just for its beauty. It makes me feel calm just to have it around. I’ve even dried my own sage before. If you’re in the natural health world at all, you probably have a couple of sage bundles. But have you actually burned it/smudged it?

If not and you feel a little lost about how to actually start using it and not just have it laying around, you need this book: “Sacred Sage How it Heals” by Silver Wolf Walks Alone.

I got my copy at the Cherokee Reservation in North Carolina the last time I was there, but it’s also on Amazon. It’s an incredibly easy and quick read that will give you all the basics on how to start. Even if you’ve burned sage before, I bet you’ll still learn something new about it.
You’ll learn about the spiritual properties of the sagebrush and why people started burning it to clear energy and bring about healing. Silver Wolf Walks Alone teaches you about the different kinds, how to harvest it yourself if you’re interested in that, the different kinds of smudging ceremonies and all the medicinal uses and then finally how to actually use it.
She talks a little about her own spiritual journey with sage and there are some beautiful blessings and prayers that you can use when you smudge.
I keep sage in little ceramic containers all over the house- like I said, I find it to be incredibly beautiful and a lovely way to place nature all over the house. But when I do burn it for smudging and clearing energy, I use this white bowl to place it in. I always have a few crystals around it for extra spiritual guidance.
“Sacred sage, sacred sage, heal me, heal me.”

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